About Christ Fellowship Hollister
Who are we?
Our fellowship began as First Presbyterian Church of Hollister in 1873. In 2015, after aligning with ECO, we changed our name to Christ Fellowship. We believe in connecting leaders for the ultimate purpose of making disciples of Jesus Christ, and we wanted our name to reflect that!
What is our mission?
The mission of Christ Fellowship is to be a church that reaches, equips, and loves in the name of Jesus Christ. We strive to reach others because of the call given in Matthew 28:19. We hope to equip one another in the way spoken about in Colossians 3:16. We love one another just as Paul discusses in Philippians 2:3.

What do
We believe...
In God the Father, the maker of Heaven and of Earth.
Jesus is the Christ, the unique Son of God, who is both Lord and Savior.
The Old & New Testament are the inspired Word of God, authoritative for all of life and practice.
Jesus of Nazareth suffered, was crucified, died, was buried, and was bodily resurrected.
His death was for our benefit; through it we receive forgiveness and the gift of God’s righteousness.
The Holy Spirit dwells in the heart of every believer.
He convicts us of sin, comforts and protects us, leads us to salvation and gives us boldness to share our faith.
The Church consists of all who believe and confess Jesus as Savior and Lord, and is called to be salt and light in the world, through its mission of love, justice and reconciliation.
Jesus will one day physically return to Earth and in His mercy and justice will judge the living and the dead and gather His Church to Himself for all eternity.
What do
At Christ Fellowship we strive to:
Foster in each person a vibrant relationship with Jesus Christ
Worship in a manner that pleases God and renews God’s people
Keep prayer central to all aspects of life and ministry
Seek the Holy Spirit’s gifts and use them in ministry
Learn of God’s grace through the Scripture and the testimonies of others
Care for others sacrificially
Share the Good News with the broken of our community
Be a sanctuary of hope and healing for all people
Meet Our Team
Pastor Mike Hogg
Rev. Mike Hogg joined our team in 2010 after serving as a pastor in New Orleans. He and his wife have served on staff at Biola University, ministered at First Presbyterian, and studied at Fuller Seminary. Mike and Christina have five grown children, three grandchildren and have been blessed to come to know many others in their years of ministry that they consider “family”. They both have a passion to see people discover the truth of “abundant life” through salvation and the indwelling Presence of the Risen Christ.
Preschool Director, Wendy
Children's Ministry
Wendy Shepherd has worked with children and their families in the community for the past decade. At Christ Fellowship, she has served as Preschool Director, Sunday school Teacher, and now a member of the Children's Ministry Team! Her passion for teaching children about Jesus makes her perfect for this role!